Shade Variation Ratings

The variation of color, texture, and tone between individual ceramic tiles is termed as color shade variation. Variation in color and shade is an inherent characteristic of any fired product and can actually enhance the character and beauty of the finished project. 

The color shade varies to some degrees in pieces of ceramic tile, in every style and from each production run. You should review several pieces of the same style of ceramic tile from the same production to decide for acceptable color shade variations. Although many of the products reflect a slight variation, there are items that display moderate to dramatic variation in range. We recommend that you clarify all questions about your choice of ceramic tile selection prior to installation. Following is a list of color and shading grades to identify while selecting and buying ceramic for your floors.


V0-Very Uniform Appearance:

No difference among pieces from the same production run because each ceramic tile is manufactured using the same glaze applications and body texture.


V1-Uniform Appearance:

Minimal to no difference among pieces from the same production run because each ceramic tile is manufactured using the same glaze applications and body texture.



V2-Slight Variation:

Distinguishable differences in texture and/or pattern within similar colors.


V3-Moderate Variation:

Though the colors present in a single piece of ceramic tile may indicate the colors to be expected on other tiles, the amount of colors on each piece might vary significantly.


V4-Random or Dramatic Variation:

Random color variation from tile to tile, so that one ceramic tile may have a totally different color from that on other tiles. Thus, the final installation will be unique.


*Note: For Aesthetic Classes V0, V1 and V2, there should be minimal visible box-to-box variation present between boxes labeled with identical shade values. Tiles with a V3 or V4 aesthetic class may exhibit box-to-box variations. However, these products should have a continuous natural blend.